Thursday, January 1, 2009

Boundaries & Discernment

Purim has just passed, and Pesach is on the horizon. As with the autumn holidays, those in the spring give us plenty of chances to delve more deeply into Jewish heritage and how that affects our own growth. What can you pull from these holidays to take you through the dark and foreboding mystery, into the midst of the transitional time, and out the other side into the light and clarity? Are you where you want to be in your life, spiritually, emotionally, or in whatever way your path is taking you?

The Jewish religion and its practice are known for boundaries and discernment. How are your boundaries these days? Are you feeling strong and confident in some areas, but perhaps feel as if you're getting stepped on in other areas? Are you able to discern when you can leave your boundary more open, or when you need to pull it in tighter, depending upon the energy of the people you are spending time with?

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