Thursday, January 1, 2009

Stress Redux

The ancient Jewish rabbis who wrote the Talmud had a unique and uncanny understanding of human behavior. They were the earliest psychologists. Over 1500 years ago, they wrote that "three things drain a person's health: worry, travel, and sin" (Gittin, 70a). Travel takes one away from his/her customary surroundings and comforts and injects its own pressures. Sin (missing the mark) has its own, sometimes dire consequences. When we fret over things that are out of our control, we cause ourselves physical, mental and emotional stress that becomes a vicious cycle in our lives.
Physically, blood pressure rises, breathing is shallow, our bodies tighten up and pain can result. This makes it more difficult to eat and sleep well, let alone giving our bodies a restful chance to recoup energy. Emotionally, we are as tightly wound as a spring, rendering our minds incapable of thinking rationally and logically. We might lash out at people who want to help, and we get stuck in a negative mindset that traps us in quicksand.
The trick is to step back and away from the stress we are feeling, in order to find a clearer perspective, give ourselves a chance to regroup, and realize that if we can't change it, we have to accept it. In order to step away, the first, most basic thing we can do is BREATHE! Sit quietly, eyes closed, and let yourself open up, open your lungs, your diaphragm, your belly, as you feel the breath traversing through your cells, muscles, bones. Get out and take a walk. As you take each step, coordinate your breathing to the rhythm of your feet, maybe even saying a word or phrase that helps you to relax. I say "om shalom" and let the words take on a natural cadence in time with my steps.
Your heart rate will slow, your vision will brighten, your chest and shoulders and neck will release. I like to walk up a good incline at a rapid pace to get my heart rate up and my lungs to expand, but you should do what is comfortable and what you are physically able to do. The aim is to cast off the burden of worry you are carrying around, and feel lighter and less stressed about what you can do nothing about (except to take care of yourself!!)

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