Thursday, January 1, 2009

Breath of God

In the Pirke Avot (Wisdom of our Fathers), Rabbi Jacob has said:
"If you are walking lost in wonder,
empty of self, and mindful of Reality,
and suddenly you interrupt this peace to exclaim:
'How beautiful is this tree!
How magnificent this field!'
you forfeit life.

The intrusion of self
and the imposing of judgment
separates you from Reality
and snares you in the net of words.

Be still and know.
Embrace it all in silence." (III:9)

Who knew that exclaiming about an incredible sunset would have that effect? But when you look at the world as ONE unified soul, with all these pieces that are connected to each other that make up that ONE unified soul, it reminds us to be without judgment. To not get lost in our minds and thoughts and JUST BE AT ONE WITH THE ONE.
Breathe into and out the Breath of Life that infuses you with the awe-inspiring Silence of HaShem, the ultimate peace and no-thing-ness of the universe. One day as I was preparing to meditate, I inhaled and thought "breath of God" and let it commingle with my breath, and my essence, then as I exhaled, I thought "Breath of God" with the added breath of our combined energies. I later learned this is similar to the breathing practice of Rabbi Abulafia, a Kaballistic rabbi from the 1500s in Safed. Check it out, it can bring you to ecstasy if done properly.

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