Thursday, January 1, 2009

Private Time

How do you make time "stand still"? Our lives seem to be so busy, full of activity and experiences and relationships, that time seems to speed by. All of a sudden, a week has passed and I feel that I've left things by the wayside. My plants aren't fertilized, dust balls collect in the corners, books go unread, craft projects stay in my head.... the list is almost endless. I wonder what happens to my time, and the way I spend it. Often, my time is filled with obligations, such as work or a meeting. Dinner becomes the only time my family is together, so we make the most of it.

But, what happens in my own private time? How can I make that more meaningful, and make it feel weightier, so that I don't feel cheated, or feel that time is whizzing right by me? What choices can I make that will allow me to feel my life is more sacred, more spiritual, and less splintered?

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