Friday, July 24, 2009

Gan Eden here on Earth?

We all want what's best for humanity: food, shelter, education, work, and family living in a world of peace. But when corrupt power is used to coerce people to act a specified way, freedom ceases to exist. Tyranny abounds. A corrupt few try desperately to control whatever and whomever they can. But, the world is a chaotic and risky place where some of us believe we need to save the world from itself. We attempt to control every possible outcome. We legislate morality, forcing citizens to work for the controlling body (government or religion), rather than the other way round. We have to pay for all the new laws designed to "protect" us.

How arrogant we humans are to believe we know everything there is to know about this universe. And, since our greatest minds have told us that the world is falling, ending, exploding, imploding (take your pick), we are impelled to act, and given no choice but to go along with the falsity. How arrogant we are to think we make such a huge difference in the world.

Each one of us should be vigilant in our actions. Our aim should be the improvement of the world, not as an imposition upon another, but in a harmonious co-existence with All That Is.

This type of world demands genuine respect for self and others. Behavior is impeccably open and honest. One's heart, mind, and soul work together to encourage growth and wisdom.

Isn't this the unalienable right with which we are endowed in this lifetime?

I am angry with the world's so-called leaders. Their power is ill-gotten and horribly, tragically misdirected. Their hearts and minds are twisted, leaving them greedy, ruthless, misguided, and a destroyer of humanity. Their ears and eyes are closed to all but the narrow perspective of their personal agenda. But, their mouths are wide open. Jaws are flapping. The atmosphere is alive and crackling with lies and half-truths.

I'm sad that many people will never achieve their potential. They will die before they have the chance. Their lives will be stolen in one way or another. I'm sad when bad things happen to children, animals, and our wise elders. We do need to tend to those beings who are unable to defend themselves from the harsh world. There are ways to do it that encourage the best in people. Most of us will help the world in our unique way when given the opportunity. Of course, there are always going to be the bullies and the nasties, which screws it up for the rest of us.

If we could all just get out of our own and each other's way, the world would be a much better place.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm filled with gratitude for today. Can you say that every day? So often, some of us forget to do that. We take our lives for granted. Yet, as I creep up to a milestone birthday, it seems I am contemplating more fully what that means. I find myself gazing at the obits in the paper, observing how old the people are when they had enough of this place and make the journey to the next place. A new friend I've made here is my son's age (22), and her mother -her best friend- suddenly and tragically died. We don't know how much time we have here on earth, with our loved ones, in this wild and crazy place we call home. That's why it helps to be grateful for at least one thing each day, as it eases some of the pain and suffering of our soul's growth. It also reminds us most poignantly of Ha Shem's love for us.

We just never know how things will turn out, and when we greet each day with a sense of "Yirah" or Awe/Fear, we hope and pray for the best, and our prayers are usually answered. Even in tragedy, we need to find what is good, or we will be bitter for the rest of our lives. And with only one chance at this go-round, we cheat our souls if we don't give it all we've got.

May your week be warm, opening, and full of shining moments.