Thursday, January 1, 2009


This week, I learned of the deaths of 2 dear friends of my family, both Jewish, who had obviously hoped to be inscribed in the book of life for another year but sadly it didn't happen that way. They may have been in the midst of their own personal harvesting, and however far they progressed, it was far enough on this earth. Neither person was elderly, so it was somewhat unexpected, but both were dealing with physical issues that ultimately claimed their lives. We just never know when it will happen to us, and that's probably a good thing, so that we can make the choice to live each day as if it were our last.
This week, don't sweat the small stuff, make amends where possible, and promise yourself that you will always do your best, whatever that level of "best" is at the time. All times are good times, some are just more challenging than others. When it gets really difficult, take a deep breath, know that there are people out here praying for you, know that HaShem has your best interests at heart, and that your soul is undergoing growth and tempering. You are preparing yourself for even bigger and better experiences.

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