The King has been crowned. Now it's time to get to work. Now we'll begin to see what our new president is really all about. If he "walks the talk". How he's going to insert his influence into our daily lives, and how our leaders will influence us and the rest of the world.
The economy is out of his control. It's a lumbering ox that reacts and responds to the environment around it, and there's not alot we can do to influence that. We can muck it up with our interference, but given a chance, it rights itself and continues its cycle. Kind of like global warming... the planet is going to do what it's going to do, in cycle with the universe surrounding us. If we try to influence it, we'll muck that up too, and hurt ourselves in the process. Hey, whatever happened to just conserving resources, because it makes the resources last longer and go further? Why is there all this morality suddenly attached to using cloth bags over plastic, or turning lights off when you're not in a room? My father taught me that 30 years ago! I guess we were ahead of our time, and the rest of the world had to catch up.
But, I digress. Why has the mainstream media put Mr Obama on a pedestal? Is it because he's cool, he's hip, he's different? Heck, he could be Mr. GQ. He certainly looks different than most of the old white guys who have led our country up to this point. Is it because they want to finally assuage the collective guilt over the racial divide? Mr Obama is not the first black president we've had. He's the first BIRACIAL president we've ever had. That fact was conveniently forgotten. The black part was stressed. Isn't that kind of a slap in the face to his mother? I think that all the people who voted for him (or not) BECAUSE he's BLACK are racist. The people who didn't care what color he is, and voted for him because he represents integrity and self-responsibilty are the truly color-blind among us. If our country, and our media were truly color-blind, they wouldn't have made such a big deal about his race. He would be judged on the content of his character, not his complexion. We as a people really have a lot of work to do if we make this a pinnacle event... there are dark-skinned rulers, and even women leading countries around the world, and it's just matter of fact.
What were the multitudes of inaugural attendees thinking and hoping as they froze their patooties off? That our new king is going to pay off their house? Give them a job? Give them free health care? I hope not. They will be sorely disappointed. Nothing is free, and nothing comes without hard work. I was happy to hear him speak about self-responsibility. I was happy to hear him speak about service. In that, he echoed JFK's speech: Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. I hope all those people heard that message. I hope they don't expect the government to bail them out, too. If we leave it up to the government to create jobs, it will create more government to oversee those jobs, and we will pay more out of our hard-earned paychecks.
I'm disgusted at the amount of money that was spent throughout the entire process, money that could have gone to other more worthy resources. But, that's now water under the bridge. I hope the mainstream media is happy now that their man is at the helm, and they can maybe do some serious, down to earth reporting of events without continually casting our new president in a messianic light. For if they persist in that, we will all be incredibly dissapointed when he lets us down, which of course he will, because Mr Obama is just a human being. He's not Jesus, he's not Elijah, he's just Barack.
Time will tell if he really is any more effective than any other president we've had.
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