Thursday, January 1, 2009

Giving and Receiving

This week is the Jewish festival of Shavuot, when the Jewish people received the Torah from God at Mt. Sinai. It's not just that we were "given" these laws, which have become adopted by most western cultures as the way to live as human beings. But that our ancestors opened up their minds, hearts, souls to "receiving" these laws. We are given many things in life: a diagnosis, a pink slip, a good grade, a raise, a new office, an opportunity.... But, how are these various things received by us???
What do we do with what we are given? How open are we at the time they are given? Many things we earn, but some things come to us unbidden (at least consciously). When you look back on your life and focus on the gifts that have been given to you, what was your response in receiving?

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