Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's been 3 months. Had lots of stuff wandering through my synapses, but nothing that prodded me to sit and write it here. Part of that stemming from old insecurities and that damn incessant audio tape that tells me over and over that no one pays attention to what I have to say, and even if they do, is what I say really helpful?
Of course, we all have a valid voice, that's what I tell myself to counteract and disprove my old worn-out belief. I know that what I say matters. We all need a pat on the back now and then, not so much from others (though that is encouraging), but from ourselves. Most of us are too hard on ourselves, yours truly included. We forget that we are each a sacred being, and all part of a wider universe. All our energies are connected and interdependent. In Kaballah, since we all contain a piece of the Sacred Essence, which also contains a piece of each of us, we truly are all connected.
If that is the case, why are we all trying to destroy each other and the places in which we live?
Why do we interfere with the order of things with our "seemingly superior" intelligence?
What makes us think and act as if we own this world, and can "control" and understand everything about it?
Why are we all so arrogant about who should have control over the "lesser ones"? Each group believes they have The Answer. But, every solution has a higher price to be paid by certain segments in our society. The most powerful have the most money, the loudest voices, the most influence. There's always going to be someone on top, subjugating those below.
How do we truly and honestly "teach a person to fish?" Our culture has changed. Intsead of taking the time to pass on certain skills to empower others, we just give shit out. We encourage weakness and dependence, and we disable the best in each other. People don't have a chance to realize what they can do to improve their lives. We take the easy way out. Except, we lose something in the process. We lose the connection to each other. We used to know our neighbors. We used to be able to leave our doors unlocked. The world was less life-threatening in many ways.
Sure, we didn't have the technology to deal with lots of things: disease, illness, ways of getting more things done with greater efficiency. And we didn't have instant communication with people across the world. While these developments have certainly taken us out of the "dark ages" and is certainly a testament to our creativity and brain power, there is a huge price to be paid in terms of our survivability as a species.
We are more callous with each other. Instead of seeing each other face to face, we face a computer screen. It's alot different when we can watch each other's expressions and see our effect on each other. We don't have as much respect, or responsibility. People are "victimized" and need/are entitled to some sort of "compensation" for their "pain". Some of these cases are truly tragic: children are molested and/or killed, animals and elderly are tortured, the list of assaults is long. What sane group of supposedly superior beings kills their own kind? Disrespects elders? Assaults those who cannot defend themselves? Animals do that... and we're supposed to be stewards of this universe? WTF???
I know this sounds negative and discouraging, because when I witness the lack of compassion and its effects on each other, it makes me mad. It spurs me into action to do something good. Give someone a hug, a smile, say a kind word or two. I do my best to pass on something of beauty rather than something of destruction. Not that I don't swear at the stupid driver that almost hit me, calling him/her some manner of unfavorable and uncomplimentary names... if only we would all just pay more attention to what is going on around us in the moment, maybe there would be less pain in the world... and fewer stupid drivers.