What lies hidden in the current suffering of our world?
So much corruption, deceit, irresponsiblity, and a lack of human decency mark our interactions with each other. We don't realize or care how our actions might harm each other. The Right Way is unclear to many of us. We are splintered and polarized. All sides believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. The thing is, that statement is true--each side has a right answer, but they also have plenty of wrong answers, too.
How we can all come together to listen to each side, and really hear what everyone has to contribute? That also demands that each side stay open to hearing what is getting in the way of moving forward, as we all offer up satisfactory compromises. How do we spread a spirit of cooperation and bring a sense of caring back into our world? There is too much harmful power and control being carelessly tossed around at the expense of our humanity. People's vision is clouded, and many are making deleterious decisions that will affect each and every one of us.
I read a depressing article about the Ten Most Depressed Cities in the US. ( http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.phpsid=58657910775&h=tssCi&u=H9aoZ). Causes are difficult to pinpoint, as there are many issues affecting people these days. Being elderly, being unemployed, or having greater access to firearms, were some of the reasons given that may have contributed to a higher suicide rate and more reports of depressive feelings.
One thing that has struck me these last several weeks is that the economic and employment news is always dire. But, if only 10% of people are unemployed, that means 90% of us are working! We're focusing on the wrong side of the equation. We need to get past the doom and gloom thinking that the media and our elected officials want us to believe in. We need to find the optimism that is hidden in the suffering. Instead of focusing on the "what's in it for me" victim mentality, we need to gather our strengths and abilities, and use them for the good. We need to empower ourselves to focus on what makes us strong and act accordingly.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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